Honourable Mention

Inspired by the Centenary of the birth of Sir Peter Ustinov, I can offer a new and exciting aspect to and for the Ustinov Prejudice Awareness Forum. The devising and developing of it has been as a result of the significance of finding inspiration. And the power of being able to inspire is at the centre of this as aim and objective. Inspiration, though, is often the result of perspiration! Those who recieve an honour here, shall  have achieved and worked in the field of fighting, peacefully, remarkably, politically, culturally,  against prejudice and for respect and understanding. 

Just as to become a member of this Forum, starts with being nominated, and become a Nominee, of it, so to receive an honour from the Forum,  shall mean being awarded, and become an Awardee of it. We are therefore now instigating the Ustinov Prejudice Awareness Forum Award. To become a member is open to anyone who seeks to join, or is sought out by,  the Forum, if demonstrating interest in, or experience with regard to, the Forum’s purpose. The awarding of the honour by the Forum, shall be open to suggestions or submissions, from members, if they choose to do so. And the coordinators, and  founders, shall of course be at the fore, of deciding this, or offering advice. 

The Ustinov Prejudice Awareness Forum Award, shall be offered to those with us presently, as a commendation, and for those not posthumously, as a commemoration. Both, shall be a celebration, and receive a citation. It shall be awarded to social or political figures, but mostly to those who are cultural figures, in particular, those who seek to change the social and political culture. It shall be given to those who, directly or indirectly, purposely or inadvertedly, continue the legacy or somehow embody the values, of Sir Peter Ustinov. It shall become a continuing feature of the Forum. An Honour’s List can be dominated by the fashionable or celebrity, but here we shall  focus on celebration, not on the factor of fame, but on the power of purpose. At the Ustinov Prejudice Awareness Forum, to receive an honour shall be to be mentioned specifically for effort and achievement, well known or under valued, against prejudice and for respect. However honoured a person might be, or hardly at all, with awards plentiful, or none,  it is for this, which this Forum shall honour an individual here. It is an Award in an area of concern, that has so far, no Awards ceremony. The ceremony it can do without. The Award is worthwhile.

It is devised and developed in association with The Arts And Humanity’s Cause.



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